I have been struggling for a while. For a long time (years, maybe), I begged God to allow me to see myself as He sees me.
In my mind, I had visions of being assured of being His beloved child, of Him showing me how much He cares.
Instead, the passage that leapt out at me one morning was Luke 17:7-10. Yeah. Not what I wanted to hear. Not a passage I can recall ever hearing a sermon on, in fact. "Unworthy servant?!"
I cried. Several times over the next several days. Each time my attitude about something stunk, I would pray, "I am an unworthy servant."
See, I am a terrible servant. I don't WANT to serve. I want to be left alone, to be allowed to do my thing, or sometimes, for others to serve me. I want to help those whom I choose, when I choose. And my heart rebels at the thought of being God's servant. And admitting my unworthiness.
I've been struggling again more recently. Rebellion against the whole servant thing again. It happens a lot with me. Some people seem to naturally serve. Not me.
The verse that keeps coming to mind? Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Mostly, the "do not grow weary" part keeps reverberating in my head. But I am weary.
So what to do? I pray. I am learning to pray differently. To focus on how much I have been forgiven, on what I am to do, not on the shortcomings of others. I am learning to ask that God change ME, my heart. my attitudes, and actions.
I am just beginning to see that I need to be doing things in service to God. In the story in Luke, I believe that God is the Master. It's Him I am serving, not people. Yes, the people around me may benefit from that service, but the service must be rendered to God, because He commands it, not because they need it, or I can do it, or it's convenient to my schedule. So, I guess it's time for changes. Changes that do not come easily to me.
Left to myself, I would not serve. My very being rebels at the thought. But I am a new creation in Christ, so serve I must. Starting with those closest to me. The ones who know me best, and the ones that I most expect to serve me.
Good night, and God bless.
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