Friday, June 20, 2014

Things I Love: the Cowgirl

Today is the Cowgirl's birthday!  I LOVE my Cowgirl.  I wish I could get "her" on paper.  Full of personality, she is fun, and fiery, and dramatic.  She knows what she likes, and doesn't care for surprises (or change).  She loves people and animals, and is amazing at finding ways to help without being asked.  She thrives on being with people.  At the same time, she is the quite one of our crew.  (Which by no means equates to "quiet" by a normal definition!)  But, unless she actually has something to say, she'll be pretty quiet.

Her brain works quickly, and uniquely.  Certainly not in the same direction as my brain!  As soon as you think you know where she's headed with something, she takes that "right turn at Albuquerque" that Bugs Bunny was so adept at missing.

So, Happy Birthday, Cowgirl!  The Engineer, the Doctor, Fidget, and I all love you more than you can imagine!

What are the ways we'll show the Cowgirl we love her?  Well, today will be packed!  We'll be eating meals she requested (pancakes for breakfast, tacos for supper).  Lunch will be PBJ at the zoo, where we will be meeting her best friend's family to spend the morning.  She already has her gifts from us (those chickens and their habitat are hers).  We do have one small surprise for her, but since it's Hello Kitty, I think it will be safe! ;)

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