Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Weighing in on Ferguson

Here in the US, it seems like events in Ferguson, MO are on everyone's minds.  Many loud voices have added their opinions to the mix, many people have shouted each other down, called each other names, and generally said mean and hateful things about all parties involved.  Mostly, it seems to be along the lines of, "If you don't agree with ME, then you are WRONG, and EVIL."  Sadly, this seems to be what passes for "discourse" in our country any more.  (But that's a whole 'nother post for another time.)

But what seems to me to be missing, at least from what I can see, is a looking at the humanity of the situation.  In all the name-calling, and anger, and screaming from both sides, no one is looking at the genuine heartbreak.

A man has died.  And that's exactly what he was -- a man.  A young man, yes, but a man nonetheless.  He was not a child, not an "innocent" as so many want to portray him.  He was old enough to vote, to defend his country, to enter into a legally binding contract.  Barely, but he was.

Now, he stands before his Maker.  That's all that's left.  The Bible says, " is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment," (Heb. 9:27, NASB)  The bigger, eternal question is this -- was he ready?  Aside from the hype, aside from the angry voices, was this young man ready to meet his Maker?  If not, he is in a sad state indeed.

You see, the manner of death has NOTHING to do with his eternal destination.  The violence, or calmness, of one's passing does not determine where one spends eternity.  I cannot make the determination on his soul's eternal home.  Thankfully, that rests with the Righteous Judge.  But I do know this -- his decision is now final.  He cannot change it.  What he decided in this life is now his decision to live with for eternity, for better or for worse.

So, my takeaway is this -- be ready.  We never know when this is the end.  It could come when you are young, youngish, oldish, or old.  I could walk out the door today, be hit by a car, and die.  I know where I am going.  Do you?  Do your family, and friends?  Please, please, don't wait until the decision is unchangeable.  Grab hold of Christ, follow Him, lean on Him, obey Him.  Make Him Lord -- truly Lord -- of your life.  Then, no matter the manner and timing of your death, you will be ready.  You can live and die without fear of judgment.  "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Rom. 8:1, NASB)

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