I've been hearing and reading an interesting tidbit of information. Apparently, it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become world-class at something, anything.
That got me to thinking... 10,000 hours... at 10 hours per day, that's about two and three-quarter years. At the other extreme, one hour a day, a bit under twenty-seven and a half.
I guess here's the thing. I'm going to be doing something for those 10,000 hours, right? What will be my world-class skill? Rocking-chair jockey? Homeschool mom? Wife? Loving individual? Servant?
I would imagine that 10,000 hours needs to be deliberate, a choice. One that includes learning new skills, acquiring a deepening knowledge and understanding of the skill at hand.
I guess it's mostly a wake-up call. Assuming no ill health, and no insomnia, I'll have been awake for 10,000 hours by (roughly) 1 November 2016.
What will I do with those 10,000 waking hours? What goals, dreams, skills will I work on? Where -- and who -- will I be 10,000 waking hours from now?
OK, enough philosophizing for now. But it is an interesting thought to ponder, isn't it?
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