Monday, June 2, 2014

Things I Love: Projects

        Projects!  Oh, how I love projects.  Give me a goal, with an end, and I am happy!  If that end is something tangible, so much better.  Cleaning the house, in one day, and ending with a house that looks fabulous and smells great is doable, even if it takes a couple hours.  Cleaning one room a day, even if it takes only ten minutes, isn't. going. to. happen.  Ever.

        Moving on.  :)

        Today, I have some fun planned to do with my children.  I have a project in mind.  We're going to make bouncy balls.  I bought the few necessary ingredients that we didn't already have on hand, and I am truly excited to try it out.

        If I'm feeling particularly inspired, I'll take pictures and share them here.

        I found the project while trolling Pinterest one day, and the directions are here: 

How to Make a Bouncy Ball

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