Monday, November 10, 2014

Fidget and the Play

Fidget loves people.  Genuinely loves them.  If she has met you, she "knows" you, and will be over-the-moon excited to see you.  She WILL run across the room to hug you, probably knocking you a bit backwards in the process.  And people light up when she's around.  Even as a preschooler, she has the innate ability to make each person feel loved and important.  It's a gift, and a responsibility.

So, I took her to see a play this weekend.  One in which several of the people she loves best had roles, either on stage or behind it.  She sat through the play about like you'd expect a preschooler to.  She waved so excitedly at our pastor's oldest daughter that she momentarily "broke" character and waved a finger at Fidget while on stage.  That's her effect on people.

But afterwards -- OH! afterwards! -- she hugged everyone she knew.  She shouted names, helped fold and move chairs, hugged people again, met new people, and generally worked the room.

She doesn't get this from me.  This is NOT how I am.  I meet people, yes, and will speak to anyone.  But I am not the hug-everyone, remember-all-the-names, wave-frantically, light-up-when-I-see-someone-I've-met-once type.  I am more the call on me when things are bad and I will move heaven and earth to help friend, not the let's celebrate the fact that we saw each other friend.

God has given her a genuine love for people.  A love that makes them light up, feel special, and seriously look for her in a crowd.  Older kids and teens seek her out for hugs and smiles.  Adults light up when she walks in the room, because she is THAT excited to see them.  And she really, truly MEANS it.  It's not an act to manipulate.  It's real.

Oh that God would grant me the ability to love like my youngest!  Genuinely, and without reservation.

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