God's "no" is always better than my "yes." No matter how hard I want something. No matter what glory I think God might gain if I got my way, His "no" (or "wait" -- sometimes it is hard to tell them apart in the middle of waiting) is ALWAYS better. We have to look no further than the Old Testament book of Genesis to find our example. In fact, no further than the Garden of Eden. And then again at the whole Abraham-Sarah-Hagar-Ishmael-Isaac drama to see why waiting on God or accepting His no is so much better than forcing my way. The whole world is still reeling from both of those decisions.
While in my situation, I cannot really force a "yes," I still have a choice. I can choose to grumble and complain or I can choose to praise.
And praise I will. I will praise Him in the "no", and I will praise Him FOR the "no." It's really the only chance I have to give God the glory in all this. He knows best. Even when I do not understand.
And, contrary to what I would love to believe, God is not primarily interested in my happiness, wealth, or health. He is interested in remaking me -- taking the sinful lump of clay that is me and turning my into a vessel that looks like Christ. He is primarily interested in my holiness. I would love it if this life were to be easy, full of wealth, full of happiness, full of health. But then there would be no change. I would be left self-centered, unholy, and ultimately, I would become the least lovely version of myself -- full of sin, and unchecked appetites. I would be a living example of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
So I will praise God, who in His infinite wisdom, made the things of this world finite. Who tells me "no" (or "wait") when I beg and cry for a "yes." I will praise Him because He loves me enough to set limits. I will seek to bring Him glory, and to enjoy Him, not just in the no, but because of it, too.
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