In the life of every homeschool family with more than one child, there is a day -- a day where the children bicker, where the end of mama's patience has been reached, where grace is needed more than ever, but it seems that there is less than ever to give. When obedience is just a pipe dream, and mama begins to question her calling to this journey.
We typically call that day Wednesday. At least so far this year, Wednesdays have been our wilderness. They seem to last from the dawn of time until eternity, and every. last. minute. seems to be wrought with trouble.
I don't have any easy solutions. No steps to stop sibling strife, or fool-proof ways to teach absolute obedience, or even just ways to make it through the day without major tears. None. And really, even if I did, it would only be management tools.
Because at the end of the day, the trouble is the heart. And I cannot change their little hearts. I cannot change my OWN heart. I can only point them (and me) to the One Who Changes Hearts. I can fix my heart on His, and pray that will spill over into my family, into our Wednesday wilderness.
I am not saying that managing behavior is unimportant, just that it isn't the main thing. The main thing is the gospel. Pointing little hearts to the One who can change them, mold them into His image.
In the end, I pray that through all of this, my girls hear, see, taste, touch, and smell the gospel each day. And when I fail (and I will, more than I will succeed), I pray that they can see true repentance and grace lived in a fallen world, with frail and imperfect people.
You see, we're all the same -- my children, me, you, your neighbors, their kids (and yours, too!) -- we're all sinners in desperate need of a Savior. And pointing each other to Him is the most loving and kind thing we can do.
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